Industry InformationCompany News

Feeling the call of the Party

2018-04-13 84730

At 6pm April 12th, under the leading of Party branch secretary-Xiaohong Peng, 17 Company’s activist of Party application went to No.1 Road Kangda District Huangpu to have the training for activist of party application for the first time. They listened to the training alive for the first time, learning “Party Constitution of the Communist Party of China” and Party’s spirit of the 19th National Congress, and feeling Party’s great glorious image and warm call for the working group!

After the training, they all expressed that they would try to be more attentive, professional, conscientious, brave to innovate, and hard-working in the work places in future, and that they would actively draw close to the Party, be strict to themselves, and perfect themselves so that they can become one of the members of the Party soon.